Hurriyat conference
Jammu Kashmir leader and Muslim conference
chairman Shabir Ahmed Dar , &,Young Men’s league chairman Imtiyaz
Ahmad Reshi Today addressed prayers at historical masid at shahri khass
Rajoro kadal Masjid taseen which was founded byMirwaiz
Kashmir Molana Muhammad Yousuf Shah Rehmatullah On the occasion speaking to
people Leaders said Kashmir issue has entered into important stage besides
sacrifices of Thousands martyrs Kashmir issue is still pending and ignored by
World community it is moral duty of World powers to address k issue seriously
,paying glowing tribute to martyrs of Pulwama ,Shopian including Shaheedi Inqalab
S hamid wani on his martyr weak leaders Appealed all
fractions of hurriyat confrence and freedom loving people toparticipate in 18th death anniversary of Prime founder of Shorai Jahad and Hurriyat conference and chair man PL Shaheedi Inqalab S Hamid Wani while paying glowing tribute to said leader (Martyr ofRevolution) S. Hamid Wani. rich tributes were paid to the martyr who is ascribed to be amongst
the front line Pro-freedom leaders of 70’s and was one of the foundersof Young Mens League which represents the aspiration of Kashmir'spolitically, diplomatically and socially.It is worth to mention that S Hamid Wani was arrested by the Indianpolice and killed in custody on April 18, 1998 in Soura .On this regard Hurriyat conference jk once again appealed toclose coolegues of S Hamid Wani and all fractions of Hurriyat Conference to participate on 18th april at 10;30 AM at martyrs graveyard Eid Gah to show solidarity with martyrs.
fractions of hurriyat confrence and freedom loving people toparticipate in 18th death anniversary of Prime founder of Shorai Jahad and Hurriyat conference and chair man PL Shaheedi Inqalab S Hamid Wani while paying glowing tribute to said leader (Martyr ofRevolution) S. Hamid Wani. rich tributes were paid to the martyr who is ascribed to be amongst
the front line Pro-freedom leaders of 70’s and was one of the foundersof Young Mens League which represents the aspiration of Kashmir'spolitically, diplomatically and socially.It is worth to mention that S Hamid Wani was arrested by the Indianpolice and killed in custody on April 18, 1998 in Soura .On this regard Hurriyat conference jk once again appealed toclose coolegues of S Hamid Wani and all fractions of Hurriyat Conference to participate on 18th april at 10;30 AM at martyrs graveyard Eid Gah to show solidarity with martyrs.
Adding leaders
said that their martyrdom is unparalleled &
unmatched it has added many new pages in the
ongoing resistance movement . They offered priceless sacrifices
which people of an freedom loving nations take pride in . The
conviction & courage shown by these great sons of soil is
exemplary & will serve as a guiding force for liberation leaders &
activists. India must now understand that when the great & brave people
of this suppressed nation has made the complete freedom from India
their mission & are ready to offer such unparalleled & priceless
sacrifices it can no longer held the occupied territories under its
forcible occupation .The mission freedom left behind by these great sons
of soil should be dearer to every Kashmiri more than anything else & it is
now every bodies duty to take this resistance movement to its logical
conclusion so that the souls of our martyrs rest in content & peace. The dream
of these great martyrs is nearer to reality as the freedom
movement is heading towards its cherished goal with complete dedication &
sincerity & the day is not for away when this forcibly occupied territory
will be completely free from foreign occupation.