Senior hurriyet leader and chairman peoples league mukhtar ah waza has condemns on sapore youth killing during costody. Waza said it is the muder of humanity and we opposes every human killing and it is the worst kind of state terrorism in kashmir whose aim is only to safe guard their chairs.spokesman pl.
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Senior hurriyet leader and spokes person peoples league Imtiyaz Reshi while speaking the huje gattering at soura institute
Senior hurriyet leader and spokes person peoples league Imtiyaz Reshi while speaking the huje gattering at soura institute said that hurriyet should accept realty and start from zero that kashmiri people are not averse to dialogue provided it is centric to solving core dispute of kashmir as per the sentiment of freedom of kashmiri people in so far as the recent indo-pak dialogue is concerned, once again like in the past it was repeated that both parties agreed to move forward in respect of kashmir. Kashmiris have been hearing these statements and announcements from the last decates neither this present dialogue was aimed at solving k-dispute nor was the principle party(kashmiri people)included in it. The irony of the fate is that no mention was made the recent dialogue on the burning issue like demilitarization repeal of black Draconian laws,release of prisöners and end to the state sponsored terror of india. People of kashmir do not want to live in deception in respect of this dialogue which is furtile. They have resolved to keep struggling till kashmir gets its goal. Indo-pak has made k issue as an tool to black male each other
Thursday, 28 July 2011
JKPL will organized Dua-e-Majlis for Sheikh Aziz at district Levels JKPL will organized Dua-e-Majlis for Sheikh Aziz at district Levels

JKPL will organized Dua-e-Majlis for Sheikh Aziz at district Levels
Jammu Kashmir Peoples League will organized Dua-e-Majlis at almost every district in Kashmir on his third martyrdom anniversary of shaheedi Azimat. May Almighty accept the martyrdom of Sheikh Aziz and bless his soul with his choicest blessings. The martyrdom of Sheikh Aziz and other 70 people who were martyred ruthlessly during last years agitation has infused new vigor and passion among people of Kashmir. The blood of martyred leader has ignited the revolution in the hearts and minds of Kashmiris which will slowly and steadily spell doom for the oppressors and pave way for the dawn of freedom of Kashmir. Kashmiris are destined to achieve their birth right as they have shown indomitable courage and steadfastness from more than four centuries and sacrificed lakhs of its son’s for achieving this target with Sheikh Aziz one of the leading lights who taught an undying lesson to his oppressed nation through his martyrdom.
At District Pulwama and Islamabad Senior APHC Leader and Acting Chairman of JKPL, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza along with General Secretary PL, Mohammad Ashraf Vaid willorganizes Dua-e-Majlis.
At District Srinagar senior PL Leader Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi will willorganizes Dua-e-Majlis.
At District Kupwara Senior Peoples League Leader, Gh. Nabi Waseem willorganized a Dua-e-Majlis.
At District Baramulla Senior PL Leader Shakeel-ul rehman willorganize a Dua-e-Majlis.
At District Budgam Senior Peoples League Leader, Gh. Qadir Rah will organize a Dua-e-Majlis.
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Indian government has given a free hand to armed and forget all Human Values and Sentiments : Peoples League
Senior hurriyet leader and spokesman peoples league imtiyaz reshi said curfew, crackdowns, murder and humiliation of women had become hallmark of the Omar regime to protect India 's forcible occupation of Jammu and Kashmir . He warned that Indian regime's days were numbered in the valley due to its own hypocrisy and ferocity and moreover the rulers in Delhi were showing obliviousness to the political atmosphere in the wounded land of the Kashmiris. "India 's battle for survival in the valley is like a dying wolf, it's doomed owing to its ethical and popular incapacity to acknowledge the reality, hence better to quit earlier than before, "he remarked.
Reshi has reiterated that peace in South Asia will remain elusive if the Kashmir dispute is not resolved in accordance with Kashmiris’ aspirations. He appealed to the international community to play an effective role in settling the Kashmir dispute without any further delay
Monday, 25 July 2011
Imtiyaz Reshi expresses serious concern over HR violations
Imtiyaz Reshi expresses serious concern over HR violations
Senior Hurriyat Leader and spokesman peoples league Jammu Kashmir Peoples League, Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi called upon the world community to impress upon India to resolve the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris aspirations. While addressing a public gathering in soura Imtiya Reshi said our political, administrative, social and other human rights have been trampled by India for the past 64 years. Arrests, rapes, custodial disappearances, third degree torture are routine. Thousands of our youth have been martyred for raising voice demanding their political rights. “The international community and the Indian civil society must come forward to stop the abuses here and support and help in the resolution of the issue”,Reshi said. Reshi appeals world powers like UNO, OIC and other HR bodies to send the HR-organizations to Kashmir to have first hand account of the situation.
All Parties Hurriyat Conference Executive Meeting held at Rajbagh spokesman pl imtiyaz reshi
An important meeting of All Parties Hurriyat Conference Executive Members was held at its central office Rajbagh Srinagar today chaired by its chairman Mirwaiz Moulvi Mohammad Umer Farooq and attended by Prof. Abdul Gani Bhat, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza, Bilal Gani Lone, Abdullah Tarri and Aga Syed Hasan Budgami other Executive Members. In the meeting a threadbare discussion was discussed about recent political situation of Kashmir .
Mirwaiz reiterated that without the inclusion of Kashmiris’ genuine leadership, the dialogue process between Pakistan and India would remain meaningless, as the people of Kashmir were the main party in the dispute. As long as the Kashmir dispute is not resolved, neither would political uncertainty end in the South Asia nor can the people of the region realize the dream of prosperity and development,” he maintained.. Meanwhile on 26 july a hurriyet executive delegation led by its chairman Dr Mirwaiz Omer Farooq along with Prof Ab Gani Bhat, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza, Billal Gani Lone and others will leave for delhi to meet new foreign minister of pakistan Hinna Rabbani Khar after invitation from Pakistan Government.spokesman peoples league imtiyaz reshi.
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Is Kashmir under stress? Stress, Heart Disease and Kashmir
Is Kashmir under stress?
Stress, Heart Disease and Kashmir
It is a common belief for several decades that people who are under lot of stress have increased risk of heart disease in the form of heart attacks, angina and related diseases.Is it correct? And if so, what kind of stress increases heart disease and what can be done to reduce this problem ?
Sorting out the effects of stress on the heart has been complicated by many factors. Some of them are (a) people mean different things by “stress;” (b) some types of stress appear to be worse for the heart than others; and (c) how you respond to stress may be more important than the stress itself. In recent years we have learned a lot about stress and heart disease. This write up is meant to update you regarding the importance of this and measures to reduce the problems associated with stress.
Till recently it was believed that stress operated through increasing blood pressure, diabetes and levels of cholesterol in blood. However a recent large international study “INTERHEART” clearly established that stress was an independent risk factor in patients who had a heart attack. This study had a significant number of patients recruited from
How Does Stress Increase the Risk for Heart Disease?
Medical researchers aren't sure exactly how stress increases the risk of heart disease. Stress itself might be a risk factor, or it could be that high levels of stress make other risk factors (such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure) worse. For example, if you are under stress, your blood pressure goes up, you may overeat, you may exercise less, and you may be more likely to smoke.
If stress itself is a risk factor for heart disease, it could be because chronic stress exposes your body to unhealthy, persistently elevated levels of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Studies also link stress to changes in the way blood clots, which increases the risk of heart attack.
Stress Affect Everyone in Different Ways ?
People respond in different ways to events and situations. One person may find an event joyful and gratifying, but another person may find the same event miserable and frustrating. Sometimes, people may handle stress in ways that make bad situations worse by reacting with feelings of anger, guilt, fear, hostility, anxiety, and moodiness. Others may face life's challenges with ease.
What Causes Stress?
Stress can be caused by a physical or emotional change, or a change in your environment that requires you to adjust or respond. Things that make you feel stressed are called "stressors."
Stressors can be minor hassles, major lifestyle changes, or a combination of both. Being able to identify stressors in your life and releasing the tension they cause are the keys to managing stress. Some of the common causes for stress are : illness either personal or of a close family member, death of a loved one, problems in personal relationship, work overload, unemployment. Starting a new job, unemployment, legal problems, financial concerns , unwanted pregnancy, perfectionism.
The happenings of last 20 years in the
Does Stress Affect Everyone the Same?
No. People respond in different ways to events and situations. One person may find an event joyful and gratifying, but another person may find the same event miserable and frustrating. Sometimes, people may handle stress in ways that make bad situations worse by reacting with feelings of anger, guilt, fear, hostility, anxiety, and moodiness. Others may face life's challenges with ease.
What Are the Warning Signs of Stress?
When you are exposed to long periods of stress, your body gives warning signals that something is wrong. These physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral warning signs should not be ignored. They tell you that you need to slow down. If you continue to be stressed and you don't give your body a break, you are likely to develop health problems like heart disease. You could also worsen an existing illness.
Below are some common warning signs and symptoms of stress.
Physical signs Dizziness, general aches and pains, grinding teeth, clenched jaws, headaches, indigestion, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping, racing heart, ringing in the ears, stooped posture, sweaty palms, tiredness, exhaustion, trembling, weight gain or loss, upset stomach Mental signs Constant worry, difficulty making decisions, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, lack of creativity, loss of sense of humor, poor memory Emotional signs Anger, anxiety, crying, depression, feeling powerless, frequent mood swings, irritability, loneliness, negative thinking, nervousness, sadness Behavioral signs Bossiness, compulsive eating, critical attitude of others, explosive actions, frequent job changes, impulsive actions, increased use of alcohol or drugs, withdrawal from relationships or social situations
How to cope up with Stress?
After you've identified the cause of stress in your life, the next step is to learn techniques that can help you cope with stress while fighting heart disease. There are many techniques you can use to manage stress. Some of which you can learn yourself, while other techniques may require the guidance of a trained therapist.
Some common techniques for coping with stress include:
• Eat and drink sensibly. Abusing alcohol and food may seem to reduce stress, but it actually adds to it.
• Assert yourself. You do not have to meet others' expectations or demands. It's OK to say "no." Remember, being assertive allows you to stand up for your rights and beliefs while respecting those of others.
• Stop smoking. Aside from the obvious health risks of cigarettes, nicotine acts as a stimulant and brings on more stress symptoms.
• Exercise regularly. Choose non-competitive exercise and set reasonable goals. Aerobic exercise has been shown to release endorphins (natural substances that help you feel better and maintain a positive attitude.)
• Relax every day. Choose from a variety of different techniques (see below).
• Take responsibility. Control what you can and leave behind what you cannot control.
• Reduce causes of stress. Many people find life is filled with too many demands and too little time. For the most part, these demands are ones we have chosen. Effective time-management skills involve asking for help when appropriate, setting priorities, pacing yourself, and taking time out for yourself.
• Examine your values and live by them. The more your actions reflect your beliefs, the better you will feel, no matter how busy your life is.
• Set realistic goals and expectations. It's OK, and healthy, to realize you cannot be 100% successful at everything all at once.
Get enough rest. Even with proper diet and exercise, you can't fight stress effectively without rest. You need time to recover from exercise and stressful events. The time you spend resting should be long enough to relax your mind as well as your body. Some people find that taking a nap in the middle of the day helps them reduce stress.
How to Relax?
In order to cope with stress, especially if you have heart disease, you need to learn how to relax. Relaxing is a learned skill -- it takes commitment and practice. Relaxation is more than sitting back and being quiet. Rather, it's an active process involving techniques that calm your body and mind. True relaxation requires becoming sensitive to your basic needs for peace, self-awareness, and thoughtful reflection. The challenge is being willing to meet these needs rather than dismissing them.
There are a number of relaxation techniques, including:
• Deep breathing. Imagine a spot just below your navel. Breathe into that spot, filling your abdomen with air. Let the air fill you from the abdomen up, then let it out, like deflating a balloon. With every long, slow exhalation, you should feel more relaxed.
• Progressive muscle relaxation. Switch your thoughts to yourself and your breathing. Take a few deep breaths, exhaling slowly. Mentally scan your body. Notice areas that feel tense or cramped. Quickly loosen up these areas. Let go of as much tension as you can. Rotate your head in a smooth, circular motion once or twice. (Stop any movements that cause pain!) Roll your shoulders forward and backward several times. Let all of your muscles completely relax. Recall a pleasant thought for a few seconds. Take another deep breath and exhale slowly. You should feel relaxed.
• Guided Imagery. Guided imagery, or mental imagery relaxation, is a proven form of focused relaxation that helps create harmony between the mind and body. Guided imagery coaches you in creating calm, peaceful images in your mind -- a "mental escape." Identify your self-talk, that is, what you are saying to yourself about what is going on with your illness or situation. It is important to identify negative self-talk and develop healthy, positive self-talk. By making affirmations, you can counteract negative thoughts and emotions.
• Relax to music. Combine relaxation exercises with your favorite music. Select the type of music that lifts your mood or that you find soothing or calming. Some people find it easier to relax while listening to specially designed relaxation audio tapes, which provide music and relaxation instructions.
• Yoga. Many types of yoga teach you how to relax while also helping posture and flexibility. There are many yoga classes available in every city in addition severalT V channels have ongoing programs of teaching.
Once you find a relaxation method that works for you, practice it every day for at least 30 minutes. Taking the time to practice simple relaxation techniques gives you the chance to unwind and get ready for life's next challenge.
Guidelines for Healthy Eating to Fight Stress
• Eat a wide variety of healthy foods.
• Eat in moderation -- control the portions of the foods you eat.
• Reach a healthy weight and maintain it.
• Eat at least 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
• Eat food that is high in dietary fiber such as whole grain cereals, legumes, and vegetables.
• Minimize your daily fat intake. Choose foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
• Limit your consumption of sugar and salt.
• Limit the amount of alcohol that you drink.
• Make small changes in your diet over time.
• Combine healthy eating habits with a regular exercise program.
Stress is a part of our life especially in the present times full of competitiveness. It does not spare any one. It starts in childhood and continues throughout life in one form or another. Stress management therefore should become a part of our school and college education. It needs a life style modification and recognition of its features. 30 minutes spent every day on exercise and relaxation techniques will go a long way to reduce its bad effects on health especially heart attacks and related illnesses. Spokesman pl imtiyaz reshi.
Friday, 22 July 2011
A Roadmap for Kashmir Certain changes can be made to change the things for better SOLUTION BY IMTIYAZ RESHI
A Roadmap for Kashmir
Certain changes can be made to change the things for better
Nothing is impossible if u consider Kashmir as issue last year, after the summer unrest in Kashmir, the government ofHowever, it is disturbing to note that the interlocutors are wasting their valuable time in non issues as far as the K issue is concerned. For example, talking to Panches and Sarpanches is meaningless because the K issue has absolutely nothing to do with things like delegation of financial and other powers, issues like good administration and governance and democratic decentralisation. It is basically the question of determining the nationhood of Kashmiri Muslims and whether they can live as Indians----and if so what special guarantees and constitutional protections have to be ensured for them. No such constitutional guarantees are required for the Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs of Jammu and Ladakh as there is no dispute regarding their Indianness we donot hate India because of religious disturbances it is only because Kashmir was never the part of India and for India’s betterment as quick as possible India should solve k- issue for ever. China has its own interests on kashmir he will never want India to solve k –issue because India is in race of super powers there is no doubt India is a big democratic country and its GDP is improving day by day and these improvements will definetly lead India to vita power so keep all these considerations in mind as long India and Pakistan will remain as friends and it is the betterment of Asia as well as of world. If Both countries are in interest in making good relationships they should first solve k-issue and for this purpose it is only a dialogue process between India Pakistan and genuine kashmiri leadership. Now it is depend on july 27 we hope good for ever spokesman peoples league Imtiyaz Reshi.
Kashmiris Have Been Locked Up In Big Endless Prison: Mukhtar Waza
According to the spokesman pl Imtiyaz Reshi
Senior APHC Leader and Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Peoples League, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza while addressing a gathering at Chee and Sergufwara in
Senior APHC Leader and Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Peoples League, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza while addressing a gathering at Chee and Sergufwara in Islamabad district after Friday congregation said that Kashmiris have been locked up in one big prison with curfews and other restrictions while Kashmir has been turned into a concentration camp. The whole world is concerned about the Gaza strip, but the fact is that here the situation is getting even worst with every passing day. “India has shed the blood of lakhs of Kashmiris since 1925, thousands have been arrested, and now more and more troops with shoot at sight orders are being sent to the Valley to muzzle the voice of people struggling for their freedom,” he said.
Mukhtar Waza has urged India to show sincerity and take practical steps to resolve the Kashmir dispute. Waza termed India ’s lackadaisical attitude unfortunate saying that it must accept the writing on the wall. “Government of India is turning a blind eye to the wishes and aspirations of the Kashmiri people who despite their unabated killings are taking to streets to press for their demand of right to self-determination,” he said.
Waza urges international community to take note of the grave situation in Kashmir and intervene to save the people from what he termed Indian oppression and barbarity. “It’s the moral responsibility of the international community to stop an oppressive regime from committing heinous crimes against innocents. Otherwise, the oppressed nations in the world will lose hope of justice and equality,” Waza said and added “On humanitarian and moral ground it was the responsibility of the Indian Civil Society to raise voice against the ruthless killings of Kashmiris at the hands of troopers and police. Ironically, it preferred to act as mute spectator and adopt criminal silence,”
Meanwhile spokes man peoples league imtiyaz reshi added strongly condemns upon the gang rape by army personals at Kulgam. Reshi said as long the black laws like AFSPA stands in jnk these rapes will not be stoped and no body is safe . but we hope these things will be discussed in delhi when both foreign ministers will meet on july 27 .
Thursday, 21 July 2011
A thread bare discussion of aphc was made ON RECENT POLTICAL SITUATION OF KASHMIR at hurriyet office chaired by its chairman Dr Mirwaiz Omer Farooq and accompanied by Excutive members Prof Ab Gani Bhat, Mukhtar Ah Waza, Aaga Hassan Mosvi , Musadiq Aadil And others. Hurriyet condoms and criticized the arrest of the chairperson of Kashmir American council Dr Gh Nabi Fai America he was only giving boost to Kashmir issue internationally for giving space to human values and self determination of kashmiri people We Kashmiris believe in the supremacy of God Almighty. He is there to rectify the wrong if human beings of less potence and importance feel humiliated, fidg Dr. Fai as an honest, conscientious and committed democrat with his own peculiar quality of individualism to work for peaceful settlement of Kashmir issue. This is how you can woo Kashmiris and all those who believe in freedom and justice.eted, mortified and brutalized for no fault of theirs except that they believe in candour and righteousness. Meanwhile today hurriyet meets the great hindu leader the master of art of living Shri Shri Ravi Shanker at hurriyet office during discussion hurriyet chairman mirwaiz sahib make him aware about Kashmir issue and human right violations in Kashmir. People league chairman Mukhtar Ah Wazawas also present on this occasion spokesman pl imtiyaz reshi..
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Mukhtar Waza hails indo-pak dialogue
Mukhtar Waza hails indo-pak dialogue : Welcoming Indo-Pak dialogue senior hurriyet leader and chairman peoples league Mukhtar Ah Waza Tuesday said that better relations between the two neighbours is a prerequisite for peace and progress in the sub-continent.
“The thaw in ties between the two countries and peace in the area always accrue dividends toJammu and Kashmir ”, he said expressing best wishes for the successful progress of talks.
Waza said his APHC has been working for better Indo-Pak relations and supported peaceful settlement of all issues between the two countries through a process of sustained dialogue. “We will continue to work in this direction”, he asserted. Waza said it would be most welcome if the much talked about confidence building measures. Meanwhile waza criticised the arrest of Kashmiri separatist leader Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai by American authorities. Spokes man pl imtiyaz reshi..
“The thaw in ties between the two countries and peace in the area always accrue dividends to
Waza said his APHC has been working for better Indo-Pak relations and supported peaceful settlement of all issues between the two countries through a process of sustained dialogue. “We will continue to work in this direction”, he asserted. Waza said it would be most welcome if the much talked about confidence building measures. Meanwhile waza criticised the arrest of Kashmiri separatist leader Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai by American authorities. Spokes man pl imtiyaz reshi..
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Imtiyaz Reshi urges India to take steps for Kashmir resolution
Senior Leader of All Parties Hurriyat Conference and Spokes man Jammu Kashmir Peoples League, Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi has said that India cannot suppress the Kashmiris struggle for securing their inalienable right to self-determination by resorting to arrest of innocent people and other repressive tactics.
Reshi while addressing an impressive public gathering in Soura today said that Kashmir was a political dispute, which could be resolved through tripartite talks involving India, Pakistan and the true Kashmiri leadership.
He stressed India to create conducive atmosphere for meaningful and result-oriented talks on Kashmir. He said that permanent peace in South Asia was impossible without the settlement of the long-pending dispute over Kashmir.
Reshi demanded an end to unlawful arrest spree and halt to gross violations of human rights by Indian troops in Kashmir. He said that the world community had recognized Kashmir as a dispute, which should be settled through dialogue process.
Kashmir dispute is bone of contention between Pakistan and India: JKPL spokesman pl imtiyaz reshi
Senior Leader of All Parties Hurriyat Conference and vice chairman of Jammu Kashmir Peoples League, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza has said that only a peaceful solution of Kashmir dispute can restore trust between India and Pakistan.
Waza while addressing a gathering at Islamabad today has emphasized that friendly relations between Pakistan and India are necessary for development in the South Asian region and peaceful solution of the Kashmir dispute is a pre-requisite for it.
Waza said that settlement of the dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris aspirations was a must for cordial relations between Pakistan and India as the dispute was a bone of contention between the two countries.
Waza pointed out that immediate demilitarization of Jammu and Kashmir could be an effective confidence building measure between the two nuclear neighbours. He asked India to take solid steps for resolving the dispute over Kashmir so that permanent peace could be established in the region spokesman peoples league Imtiyaz Reshi.
spokesman peoples league artical
Even as official statements are unambiguously indicative of decline to the limits of neutralizing militancy and return of normalcy to J&K - and of late the recommendation of 25% reduction in Security Forces’ deployment has come up - the continued detention of hundreds of youth weighs heavy on logic. There are instances where the families are not even aware of the condition and status of their detained children. The arrest of Rah brothers, Mushtaq Ahmad and Mohammad Shafi, of Maharaj Gunj, Srinagar from Kathmandu , Nepal , is an eye opener in this regard. The two brothers ran leather business and were arrested way back in September, 2000. Their arrest and subsequent enforced disappearance point to the indifference of the government to the woes of the poor parents. There are instances where Kashmiri youth had to buy their release for hefty sums. And there are instances where youth were released after being held in detention for as long as ten to fifteen years and then acquitted by courts. Who can return them their youth and what can compensate the trauma these unfortunate youth had to undergo for years together! In many such cases substantive evidence of involvement in any unlawful activities is wanting. It seems that police in many states is pouncing over Kashmiri youth whenever and wherever they get a chance to lay hands on them. Those who could earn their freedom by paying a price or battling it out in courts have harrowing experiences to share with their kinsmen and acquaintances. They usually dare not share it with strangers fearing the reprisal from their tormentors. But others have not been that lucky and have been languishing in jails without trial for years together. The situation of the youth who were picked up by the police of other states from different places across India is pathetic. In most of such cases the victims were detained after being labeled as either militants or sympathizers of militant outfits. The state government which is claiming to be working for return of normalcy and peace to the state should have taken up the cases of missing youth. Those languishing in the jails of different states after being picked up by the police or agencies and held in illegal detention need to be taken care of by the state. To alleviate the pain, suffering and trauma of the victims and their parents, state government must take up the matter with concerned agencies in other states. Instead the response of the state as well as the union government to this problem has been that of indifference. And the problem continues to pain the collective mind of Kashmir like a festering wound. The state and the union government need to address this humanitarian issue as it deserves to be addressed so that the agony and trauma of the affected people is ended. The two can act jointly and trace the missing persons and restore them to their families and if some of them have been killed let their parents be apprised of their fate. For a country that is lobbying for permanent member status in UN Security Council on the basis of its being world’s largest democracy it should not be difficult to hold to account various security agencies for the disappearances. It could set-up a Rehabilitation or Reconciliation Commission to address the problem of missing youth and further order release of all the detunes against whom no case is made out even after years of their detention. They can have the youth tried in fast track courts so that their agony and that of their parents ends. The two governments need to have each and every case of detention and disappearance examined by the commission so that justice is dispensed expeditiously. This would definitely go a long way in creating an atmosphere of peace and order. Earlier the better.
Even as official statements are unambiguously indicative of decline to the limits of neutralizing militancy and return of normalcy to J&K - and of late the recommendation of 25% reduction in Security Forces’ deployment has come up - the continued detention of hundreds of youth weighs heavy on logic. There are instances where the families are not even aware of the condition and status of their detained children. The arrest of Rah brothers, Mushtaq Ahmad and Mohammad Shafi, of Maharaj Gunj, Srinagar from Kathmandu , Nepal , is an eye opener in this regard. The two brothers ran leather business and were arrested way back in September, 2000. Their arrest and subsequent enforced disappearance point to the indifference of the government to the woes of the poor parents. There are instances where Kashmiri youth had to buy their release for hefty sums. And there are instances where youth were released after being held in detention for as long as ten to fifteen years and then acquitted by courts. Who can return them their youth and what can compensate the trauma these unfortunate youth had to undergo for years together! In many such cases substantive evidence of involvement in any unlawful activities is wanting. It seems that police in many states is pouncing over Kashmiri youth whenever and wherever they get a chance to lay hands on them. Those who could earn their freedom by paying a price or battling it out in courts have harrowing experiences to share with their kinsmen and acquaintances. They usually dare not share it with strangers fearing the reprisal from their tormentors. But others have not been that lucky and have been languishing in jails without trial for years together. The situation of the youth who were picked up by the police of other states from different places across India is pathetic. In most of such cases the victims were detained after being labeled as either militants or sympathizers of militant outfits. The state government which is claiming to be working for return of normalcy and peace to the state should have taken up the cases of missing youth. Those languishing in the jails of different states after being picked up by the police or agencies and held in illegal detention need to be taken care of by the state. To alleviate the pain, suffering and trauma of the victims and their parents, state government must take up the matter with concerned agencies in other states. Instead the response of the state as well as the union government to this problem has been that of indifference. And the problem continues to pain the collective mind of Kashmir like a festering wound. The state and the union government need to address this humanitarian issue as it deserves to be addressed so that the agony and trauma of the affected people is ended. The two can act jointly and trace the missing persons and restore them to their families and if some of them have been killed let their parents be apprised of their fate. For a country that is lobbying for permanent member status in UN Security Council on the basis of its being world’s largest democracy it should not be difficult to hold to account various security agencies for the disappearances. It could set-up a Rehabilitation or Reconciliation Commission to address the problem of missing youth and further order release of all the detunes against whom no case is made out even after years of their detention. They can have the youth tried in fast track courts so that their agony and that of their parents ends. The two governments need to have each and every case of detention and disappearance examined by the commission so that justice is dispensed expeditiously. This would definitely go a long way in creating an atmosphere of peace and order. Earlier the better.
Saturday, 16 July 2011
MAN IS A SLAVE OF HIS OWN ACTS. HIS ULTIMATE AIM IS SUCCESS AND THE SUCCESS LIES IN HIS ETERNAL LIBERATION. The biggest discovery of this universe is a human being himself. Indeed the creator is God and the magic of his creation is breathtaking. Throughout the ages, man has struggled with the subjects of right and wrong and ethics and justice. Why not? For he is the crown of His creations. Since times immemorial, man has involved himself into many philosophies unraveling these subjects and has never solved them in totality. In this context many prophets, philosophers and preachers, with the God’s divine force brought many religions with an idea to teach humanity the code of conduct. Their ultimate and cherished dream was the universal brotherhood. How far did they succeed, results are evident. Other day, on my official visit to Delhi, I was surprised to watch people from different faiths entering into a place designed on the architecture of lotus and sitting in the same row, practicing their respective ways of prayers. For a moment, I felt the universal brotherhood is achieved. I am afraid I may not be misunderstood through these lines by the reader, since I am a man from the Muslim faith. It is beyond any doubt that man is basically good. This means that the basic personality and the basic intentions of the individual towards himself and others are good. When a person finds himself committing too many harmful acts against the prescribed format, he becomes his own executioner. This gives the proof that man is basically good. When he violates his own ethics, he begins to decay. He does this all on his own without anybody else doing anything. It is observed that in absence of an ability to stop him outright, he attempts to put ethics on himself by getting thrown in prison where he will no longer be able to commit crimes. When we speak of ethics we are talking about right and wrong conduct. We are talking about good and evil. To be good, a thing must contain construction which outweighs the destruction, it contains. A new cure which saves a hundred lives and kills one is an acceptable cure. When an act is more destructive than constructive, it is evil. It is out of ethics. To be entirely right would be to survive to infinity and that is only God. Now let us look at our society
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Peoples league chairman Mukhtar Waza detained by police yesterday late night. Spokes man pl Imtiyaz Reshi said Senior hurriyet leader and executive member of APHC and acting chairman Mukhtar Ahmad Waza yesterday late night arrested by forces at his residence at Qadiporah Anatnag and shifted waza to sadder police station Islamabad. As per hurriyet programe Waza sahib and Shabir Shah sahib was scheduled to lead the 13 july programe at Islamabad . Imtiyaz Reshi has strongly condemns and criticizing the admistration on one side Government is prasing for democracy and on other side it shows the real picture of indian democracy and it is the worst kind of state terrorism in Kashmir. Meanwhile Imtiyaz Reshi has paid a glowing tribute to all martyrs include the 13 july martyrs Reshi said because of these martyrs that Kashmiri martyrs centre-stagedKashmir dispute at the international level. He reiterated the pledge to continue the liberation struggle, despite all odds.
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Senior hurriyet leader and chairman peoples league Mukhtar Waza detained According to the spokesman peoples league Imtiyaz Reshi senior hurriyet Leader and chairman Peoples League Mukhtar Ah Waza arrested by police today late night at Islamabad when he was coming back from srinagar as per programe Mukhtar Sahib and Shabir ah Shah Sahib was going to lead the 13 july programe from Islamabad. Mukhtar Sahib was shifted to sadder police station Islamabad. Meanwhile spokesman pl reshi has strongly condemns and criticizing the admistration. On one side Government is prasing for democracy and on other side it is a big slap on Indian democracy by doing such worst kind of state terrorism in Kashmir. Reshi says arrests and detaintions are parts and parcels of the moments.
Monday, 11 July 2011
PEOPLES LEAGUE PAID A TRIBUTE TO THE SISTER OF SHAHDUL ISLAM. According to spokes man pl Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi said senior hurriyet leader and chairman of peoples league Mukhtar Ahmad Waza paid a glowing tribute to the sister of senior hurriyet leader and excutive member of awami action committee Shahidul Islam. waza expressed profound grief and sorrow over the sad demise of the sister of shahid sahib and prayed Allah Almighty to rest her in eternal peace. JKPL in a condolence meeting offered fateha for the departed soul and expressed solidarity with the bereaved families. She was a deeply pious and God fearing woman and May God rest her soul in peace. May also bestow patience to all those who grieve at her passing, for from Him we come and to Him we must return, spokesman JKPL added. Meanwhile a high level deligation of JKPL led by its chairman Mukhtar Waza along with imtiyaz reshi, Farooq ah Dar, Mohd Maqbool Sofi, Gh Nabi Waseem and Aafaq Ah Bhat visited the residence of shahidul islam at dalgate and attented nimazi jinazah and Paying the tribute to the buried soul.
Sunday, 10 July 2011
WAZA appealed people to march towards Martyrs; Graveyard on 13 july for Paying Homage To The Kashmiri Martyrs
WAZA appealed people to march towards Martyrs; Graveyard on 13 july for Paying Homage To The Kashmiri Martyrs
Senior APHC Leader and Acting Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Peoples League, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza asking people to support hurriyet programe and march towards martyrs graveyard Naqshband sahib on july 13 for paying tribute to the martyrs of 1931. Waza pays rich tributes to the Kashmiri martyrs and reaffirms their resolve to continue the martyr’s mission till its logical conclusion, come what may. Waza reiterated that on July 13 in 1931 when the Dogra troops shot dead 22 Kashmiris, one after the other, in front of Srinagar Central Jail. “Kashmiris have given countless sacrifices for the movement. We are not afraid of facing bullets or autocratic tactics aimed at suppressing our fight for right to self-determination,” he added. Waza maintained that the sacrifices of the people of Kashmir would definitely bring positive results and Kashmiris would get rid of Indian bondage. Waza said that military might will in no way be able to break the resolve of Kashmiri people to continue their struggle for right to self-determination. Waza has appealed to world leaders to support the Kashmiri people in their struggle against the foreign occupation.Waza terming july 13, 1931 as landmark day in the freedom. Spokeman pl imtiyaz reshi.
press secretary
Friday, 8 July 2011
Kashmir settlement possible through dialogue: JKPL
In continuation to door to door campaign Senior Hurriyat Leader and spokesman Jammu Kashmir Peoples League, Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi accompanied with Farooq Ahmad Dar, Mohd Maqbool Sofi, Gh Nabi Waseem and dozens other party workers and activists visited various parts of district Srinagar While addressing an impressive gathering at soura Imtiyaz Reshi has emphasized that Kashmir is a political dispute which can be resolved through dialogue process involving Pakistan, India and the Kashmiri people. Reshi maintained that New Delhi should withdraw its troops from Kashmir , repeal black laws, remove bunkers and release Kashmiri detainees to create an atmosphere for resolving the dispute. He said that India 's intransigence was the main hurdle in resolving the lingering dispute.
Reshi said that our liberation movement is indigenous with the objective to achieve right to self-determination. "The ongoing agitation will continue till India accepts Kashmir as a disputed territory withdraws its troops and releases all political prisoners and youth from jails," he added.
Reshi said that the Kashmiri’s had been rendering sacrifices to secure their inalienable right to self-determination promised to them by Indian rulers and the world community. He reiterated his demand that India should accept the disputed status of Kashmir , withdraw its troops, repeal draconian laws, release illegally detained Kashmiris and bring the troops involved in the killing of innocent youth during the past six months to justice.
Kashmir settlement possible through dialogue: JKPL
In continuation to door to door campaign Senior Hurriyat Leader and spokesman Jammu Kashmir Peoples League, Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi accompanied with Farooq Ahmad Dar, Mohd Maqbool Sofi, Gh Nabi Waseem and dozens other party workers and activists visited various parts of district Srinagar While addressing an impressive gathering at soura Imtiyaz Reshi has emphasized that Kashmir is a political dispute which can be resolved through dialogue process involving Pakistan, India and the Kashmiri people. Reshi maintained that New Delhi should withdraw its troops from Kashmir , repeal black laws, remove bunkers and release Kashmiri detainees to create an atmosphere for resolving the dispute. He said that India 's intransigence was the main hurdle in resolving the lingering dispute.
Reshi said that our liberation movement is indigenous with the objective to achieve right to self-determination. "The ongoing agitation will continue till India accepts Kashmir as a disputed territory withdraws its troops and releases all political prisoners and youth from jails," he added.
Reshi said that the Kashmiri’s had been rendering sacrifices to secure their inalienable right to self-determination promised to them by Indian rulers and the world community. He reiterated his demand that India should accept the disputed status of Kashmir , withdraw its troops, repeal draconian laws, release illegally detained Kashmiris and bring the troops involved in the killing of innocent youth during the past six months to justice.
According to spokes man pl Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi said senior hurriyet leader and chairman of peoples league Mukhtar Ahmad Waza paid a glowing tribute to the mother of chief editor of monitor Zaffer Mehraj waza expressed profound grief and sorrow over the sad demise of the mother of Zaffer sahib and prayed Allah Almighty to rest her in eternal peace. JKPL in a condolence meeting offered fateha for the departed soul and expressed solidarity with the bereaved families. She was a deeply pious and God fearing woman and May God rest her soul in peace. May also bestow patience to all those who grieve at her passing, for from Him we come and to Him we must return, spokesman JKPL added.
Meanwhile a high level deligation of JKPL led by its chairman Mukhtar Waza along with imtiyaz reshi, Farooq ah Dar, Mohd Maqbool Sofi and Aafaq Ah Bhat visited the residence of Zaffer MehrajTeam at Baghat for Paying the tribute to the buried soul.
Sunday, 3 July 2011
Peace in South Asia allied to Kashmir resolution: Waza
In continuation to door to door campaign Senior Hurriyat Leader and Chairman Jammu Kashmir Peoples League, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza today visited Ashmuqam, Dooru Shahabad and Kokernag. While addressing an impressive gathering Waza said that the peace in South Asia is not possible without resolving the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris’ aspirations. Waza said that the dispute could be resolved only when the Kashmiris were made a party to the dialogue process as the issue was the matter of their right to self-determination. “The settlement of the Kashmir dispute is imperative not only for South Asia but also for the world peace,” Mukhtar said.
Expressing satisfaction over the realization of the international community that the Kashmir dispute needs to be resolved, without any further delay and only way for emancipation is to give people of Kashmir as a region the opportunity to decide their political future by their own will and consent in accordance with chapter-I, clause – 3 of UNO (Right to Self Determination), Waza added.
Expressing satisfaction over the realization of the international community that the Kashmir dispute needs to be resolved, without any further delay and only way for emancipation is to give people of Kashmir as a region the opportunity to decide their political future by their own will and consent in accordance with chapter-I, clause – 3 of UNO (Right to Self Determination), Waza added.
Meanwhile spokesman pl imtiyaz reshi visited today soura at the residence of Shaheed Omer Qayoom who was martyred by police last year agitation along with senior pl leader Mohd Maqbool Sofi for paying rich tribute by the advice of pl chairman Mukhtar Waza.
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Farooq Ahmad Dar pl leaders mother- char am ceremony was organized by JKPL
According to spokes man pl Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi said on the eve of char am ceremony of the mother- of Hurriyat Leader and chief organizer of Jammu Kashmir Peoples League, Farooq Ahmad Dar peoples league organized Duwae majalis at shamsabad bemina chaired by senior hurriyet leader and chairman of peoples league Mukhtar Ahmad Waza and attended by hundreds of people including party workers, and senior hurriyet leaders, political and social personalities and contract association , and religious leaders in the srinagar .On this accusation peoples league chairman Mukhtar Waza paid a glowing tribute to farooq sahibs mother and waza made a lecture on death and birth has expressed profound grief and sorrow over the sad demise of the mother of Farooq Dar and prayed Allah Almighty to rest her in eternal peace. Later on hurriyet leader Rashid Hakeem also give lecture by the advice of chairman hurriyet Dr Mirwaiz Molvi Omer Farooq Hakeem sahib was companied by other aphc leaders as Gh Nabi Zaki, Mohd Magbool Sofi, Ab Rashid Untoo, Gh Nabi Waseem, Gh Qadir Rah and Ab Majid Wani.
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