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Sunday, 31 July 2011

Senior hurriyet leader and spokes person peoples league Imtiyaz Reshi while speaking the huje gattering at soura institute

Senior hurriyet leader and spokes person peoples league Imtiyaz Reshi while speaking the huje gattering at soura institute said that hurriyet should accept realty and start from zero that kashmiri people are not averse to dialogue provided it is centric to solving core dispute of kashmir as per the sentiment of freedom of kashmiri people in so far as the recent indo-pak dialogue is concerned, once again like in the past it was repeated that both parties agreed to move forward in respect of kashmir. Kashmiris have been hearing these statements and announcements from the last decates neither this present dialogue was aimed at solving k-dispute nor was the principle party(kashmiri people)included in it. The irony of the fate is that no mention was made the recent dialogue on the burning issue like demilitarization repeal of black Draconian laws,release of prisöners and end to the state sponsored terror of india. People of kashmir do not want to live in deception in respect of this dialogue which is furtile. They have resolved to keep struggling till kashmir gets its goal. Indo-pak has made k issue as an tool to black male each other

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