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Friday, 15 August 2014

Waza detained, placed under house arrest, Spokesman condemns police action 
Srinagar, August 15, 2014
Senior APHC Leader and Jammu Kashmir Peoples League Chairman, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza was placed under house detention today who was detained by Islamabad police yesterday in the evening.
Party Spokesman, Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi said that Waza Shab was arrested yesterday in the evening and was shifted to Police Station Sherbagh, however he was released from the police station and wasplaced under house detention as Waza shab felt ill.
Spokesman condemned police action and termed it unwarranted and unconstitutional. He said that by caging the whole valley which highest militarized zone in Whole South Asian region sent a clear message to world community that Kashmir is illegally occupied by Indian forces. He said that while India and its citizens were celebrating their freedom day, naïve Kashmiris were braving the oppression of Indian army. He said that besides caging the valley Kashmiris were cut off from the rest of the world as the puppet authorities jammed mobile phones and internet services.
Spokesman said that the claims of India’s being international champion of democracy falls flat here in Kashmir where the peaceful freedom movement of naïve Kashmiris is being suppressed by Indian military forces and the civilians aren't even being allowed to express their political whishes and aspirations. He said that by caging the valley through its military forces the so-called democracy of so-called world biggest democratic country stands exposed.
He urged international community to take a strong note of prevailing situation of Jammu and Kashmir help the naïve Kashmiris in securing birth right ‘right to self determination’.

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