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Friday, 23 January 2015

 Peoples LEAGUE LEADER Imtiyaz Reshi along with Tahoor sidiqi today
leads a protest demonstration against publication of blasphemous
Today peoples league spokesperson Imtiyaz RESHI leads a protest
demonstration after Friday prayers at Awanta Bawan soura  he was
accompanied with local masjid Imam and senior pl leaders Tahoor Sidiqi
,Umer Khalid and dozens of pl workers .speaking to protesters Reshi
said No Muslim can tolerate any kind of disrespect to the most revered
Prophet Muhammad (saw)in the grab of freedom of expression .The anti
Islam persons will never succeed in their anti Islamic conspiracies
.Terming deviation from Islam values as sole reson for the miseries of
Muslims, and we can never tolerate to hatch such   conspiracies to
hurt Muslim minority sentiments .Islam is the religion of peace and it
is not its weakness but it is its strength and it does not mean we
will remain silent .On this occasion people raise slogans in favor of
Islam and freedom.

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