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Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Farooq Usman Dar elected  care taker of the People's League, Sheikh Mohammad Yaqoob
According to the chief spokes person peoples league Imtiyaz Reshi An emergency meeting of People’s League central council was held at the head office of People’s League on the direction of chief patron Sheikh Mohammad Yaqoob. The main leaders of the league which were present during this meeting include  Farooq Usman Dar, Ghulam Nabi  Darzi, Ghulam Qadir Rah, Nazir Ahmad Khan, Imtiyaz Reshi, Tahoor Siddiqui,Shakeel Rehman, Ghulam Mohammad Mir, Master Mohammad Maqbool ,Haji Qudus, Bashir Ahmed, Advocate Abdul Ahad Qadri,Umer Khalid and other dignified leaders, During the meeting consensus were made by the central council to appoint Farooq Usman Dar as designated custodian of the People's League.This decision was seconded by all the PL leaders from and across the border.While addressing the central council of PL Farooq Usmaan  said“Our Party has played a prominent role during the resistance movement and are still active and doing their bid to serve this cause to free Jammu Kashmir from Indian Rule.” Adding to it Farooq told that “constitutional setup within PL will be given first priority and our efforts to unify people’s league  will be continued in the future as it has been done so far. We will strive till we unify people’s league to give a new dimension to resistance movement of Kashmir people.
Meanwhile, the People's League newly designated custodian Farooq Usman has expressed his deep condolence over the human life loses caused in  Charar Sharif (Laden Village) of District Budgam by ill fated landslide. Party Leaders also expressed solidarity with the bereaved families of the victims; Party also expressed deep concern over the flood situation in Kashmir and directed their workers to extend a helping hand to the flood victims.

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