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Friday, 4 December 2015

 Resolve Kashmir through UN Resolutions: Reshi
Right to self determination forms the bedrock of k issue and is ultimate goal of kashmiri.
Jammu and Kashmir Young mens league chairman Imtiyaz Reshi along with party leader Rouf Aasmi and Tahoor Sidiqi today adressed public gathering after Friday prayers at shari khas Nowsherah ,on this occasion imtiyaz reshi said right to self determination forms the bedrock of k.issue and is the ultimate goal of kashmir. He said constitution youngmens league come to existence in 1969 and based on right to self determination . Reshi said from 1947 to 2015ten lakh kashmiri people gives their lives only for right to self determination and no other solution should be accepted. He emphasizes that India has converted the entire south Asian region into a dangerous zone due to its state terrorism and added that the people of Kashmir were being victimized for demanding their inalienable right to self–determination. He maintained that no power on earth could deter them from continuing their liberation struggle. They said India should not waste his time in off shoots the only way to solve k issue is Uno resolutions .
He said that Kashmiris liberation struggle was genuine and based on the principles of justice. He urged India to honor the commitment made by its leaders with the international community to give the Kashmiris the right to decide their fate themselves.
He said that will the global political scenario changing rapidly and fastly so it’s imperative for both the countries to to resolve the dispute through UN resolutions. He said that through Kashmir resolution peace and stability can be guaranteed in whole south Asian region as well as in India and Pakistan who have fought over three battles over the issue.
Reshi appealed international community including United Nations to take a strong notice of present situation in Kashmir particularly of the ongoing human rights violations by Indian troops.

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