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Sunday, 22 January 2017

Hurriyat conference Jammu Kashmir  convener and  Mus.lim conference  chairman   Shabir Ahmed Dar  ,Mahzi Azadi President Muhammad Iqbal Mir  ,Young mens league chairman Imtiyaz Reshi ,& Tehreek Istiqamat Chairman   G N War strongly condemned the murderous attack on  renowned  human rights defender Mahammed Ahsan Untoo by police when he was attending a prayer meeting  organized to pay respects to Gaw Kadal martyrs. The police without any provocation started beating & kicking  untoo sahib in presence of hundreds of people present their  & dragged him to police station  where the police brutality was galore when dozens of police personnel  started beating him with bamboos ,punched him ,kicked him & broke his left hand, causing grave injuries to his face  & body which was confirmed by the doctors attending on him in SMHS  hospital srinagerss. The whole  brutality was being  headed by SHO  KralKhud . The leaders  said the intention of the concerned SHO and his personal escort seemed to be murdering  untoo sahib & added that this kind of brutality is order of the day in Kashmir because the act was beastly in its manifestation . The people in majority face such kind of  inhuman behavior in Kashmir .The international human rights organizations must rise up to the occasion & take  cognizance of this  forces brutality & report the actual worsening  human rights  situation prevailing in Kashmir ,they need to understand that if this can be done with an human rights defender what will be the behavior with common people.

 The AJK chapter of Hurriyat leaders Muzzaffer Ahmed Shah, Zahid Ashraf Rather ,Mushtaqul Islam & other leaders have condemned this barbarism & urged international community to take strong  notice of this heinous rights violation.
Meanwhile Hurriyat conference Jk leaders strongly condemned the bomb blast in Qurram Agency which killed more than 25 people innocents and injured 50 persons they paid  for the departed souls and showed solidarity with the bereaved families. 

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