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Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Young Mens League Chairman  Imtiyaz Ahmad  Reshi along with party leaders protests after Friday prayers at Shari Khass Srinagar over brutal innocent killings of Chadoora.
Casting votes is treason to martyrs mission.
Hurriyat conference jk leader and young men's league chairman Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi  along with party leaders Tahoor Sidiqi and  Rouf Kashmiri today  protests after Friday prayers at Shari Khass srinagar  over the brutal  killing of innocent civilian youth  Zahid Rashid  , Saqib Ahmad   and ishfaq ahmed and injuring more than a dozen by Indian security forces who were the part of a peaceful protest. Speaking to people Imtiyaz Ahmad RESHI strongly condemned use of brutal action by forces on peaceful protesters  and termed killings cold blooded murder. Reshi said the warning of Indian army Chief Bipin Rawat has been put to action. Rawat has warned the protesters against disturbing the anti insurgency operations in kashmir by saying that they would be seen as anti nationals. ReshivHails The conviction & courage shown by the people of  Chadoora coming out of their houses in support of their brave Mujahedeen is exemplary & will serve as a guiding force for liberation leaders & activists. On this occasion Imtiyaz Reshi strongly condemned night raids and crack down on the people of Pulwama town by forces and termed it worst kind of state barbarism under the shades of black laws APSPA. Imtiyaz Reshi strongly reacted over the continue brutality done by Indian forces on common kashmiri people and said it seems like India has started wide war against kashmiri people. Government of India is turning a blind eye to the wishes and aspirations of the Kashmiri people who despite their unabated killings are taking to streets to press for their demand of right to self-determination,”
On this occasion people raise anti election slogans and leaders appeal people to boycott up coming elections completely he said casting votes is treason to martyrs mission and it is moral duty of every kashmiri to safe guard their sacrifices at any cost which is the sign of live nation .

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