Senior Hurriyat Leader and spokesman Imtiyaz Reshi Jammu Kashmir Peoples League Imtiyaz Reshi has strongly condnmed the killing of a youth by police under costudy with torcher at sap ore . Reshi has termed the killing as an act of worst kind of state terrorism and accused New Delhi of undertaking genocide of kashmiries through its soldiers.Waza said at the time when the authorities were making tall claims of decrease in human rights violations an innocent youth has been ruthlessly killed by police in Sapore Reshi maintained that unless there is complete demilitarization of Jammu and Kashmir, no civilian is safe.. And the killing of youth at sapore has made it categorically clear that the ground situation has not changed in Kashmir as the innocent killings are still on, in a statement has appealed to the international human rights organizations to take cognizance of stepped up human rights violations by Indian troops in Kashmir. Reshi said that the acts of Indian state terrorism perpetrated against innocent Kashmiris were aimed at silencing their just voice for right to self-determination. Reshi urged the United Nations and its member states to impress upon India to stop rights violations in Kashmir . “The use of brute force by the troops cannot deter Kashmir ,s resolve to continue struggle against Indian bondage,” he maintained. Recalling Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh’s pledge to show zero tolerance against human rights violation, he said that the troops who were committing the crimes needed to be brought to justice immediately. Imtiyaz Reshi pointed out that the international human rights organization had been calling upon India from time to time to stop rights abuses in the territory but these pleas had been falling on deaf ears.

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