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Saturday, 13 August 2011


According to the spokesman peoples league Imtiyaz Reshi Senior hurriyet leader and Executive Member APHC and Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Peoples League Mukhtar Ahmad Waza in a statement said that Peoples League always welcomes such moves which are meant to solve the long pending issue of Kashmir – a nuclear flash point in Sub-continent due to which people of South Asia are entrenched in the mesh and marsh of uncertainty, if the vexed issue of Kashmir is not resolved as per the wishes and aspirations of the simpleton people of Jammu Kashmir, it is felt that the situation might take ugly turn in whole of the Asia. Of course there are some warmongers who want that the confrontation between two developing countries India and Pakistan must continue, so that they can churn their ill fated interests out of the situation, now enough is enough let the good sense prevail on the Indo-Pak leadership and solve the issue forever.
 Waza reiterated that sentiments, wishes, aspirations of the common people of the Kashmir cannot be ignored in the Kashmir resolution process, Martyrs of Kashmir laid their lives for the bright future of kashmiri generations which are in offing therefore the historical past of Kashmir struggle movement has given us a mammoth experience, so a dynamic political approach needs to be created having accommodative nature in order to address Kashmir issue in the higher echelons of power and who are at present the international political players with a structured policy.
Waza revealed that everybody see today that Germany and France were enemies, they are now friends, and they have made European Union. Likewise if India and Pakistan becomes friends, only then a new beginning can be made. So let us not quote what Europeans are doing today let us see as how they settled their disputes. Therefore, Peoples League urges both the nuclear neighbouring countries to eschew blaming against each other and forward with a momentous dialogue so that a peaceful resolution can come out for a long pending Kashmir tangle.Meanwhile spokesman pl has said to make every hurriyet program successful and to observe hartal on 15 august 
 Reshi again reiterated his stand saying, “India should respect the freedom struggle of Kashmiris keeping in mind its own fight against British”.
 While appealing people to observe August 15 as black day, Reshi said, “Kashmiris will once again prove by peaceful strike on August 15 that they are yet to decide their political future”.
 “We are not against the freedom or sovereignty of any nation, but can’t also tolerate to remain suppressed,”

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