According to the spokesan peoples league imtiyaz reshi Senior Hurriyat Leader and Chairman Jammu Kashmir Peoples League, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza said that world human right day is celebrated through out the world on 10th dec. Waza has appealed to the international community, United Nations, OIC and world human rights to impress upon India to end human rights violations in Kashmir.
Mukhtar Ahmad Waza maintained that India ’s claim of zero tolerance against rights abuse proved to be a hoax in the backdrop of fake encounters and targeted killing of innocent Kashmiris over the past few months.
Waza urged India to stop the rights abuse, withdraw its troops and repeal all black laws from the territory before initiating meaningful talks on Kashmir.
He deplored that the occupation authorities had always tried to shield the culprits involved in the killing of innocent Kashmiri people.
Waza said that Indian troops had unleashed a reign of terror in Kashmir to suppress Kashmiris’ liberation struggle. “The troopers commit gross rights’ abuses with impunity in Kashmir due to the invocation of draconian laws by occupation authorities,” he added.
He said the aspirations of Kashmir people from the world community have not been fulfilled and no single country of the world has condemned the Indian human rights violations continued from last several years..
He said irrespective of any countries support Kashmiri people and especially youths are committed to achieve independence from India at every cost..
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