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Sunday, 25 December 2011


IT IS REGRETTABLE that Kashmir at the tie of partition  of south asian subcontinent in 1947 because a bone of connection between India and Pakistan. With the initiative and appeal of India debate ensued in UNO on Kashmir . UNO constituted a commission known as united Nations Comission on India and Pakistan [abbreviated as UNCIP]. UNCIP resolutions of aug. 13,1948 and jan 5, 1949 from the base  and bedrock of jurisprudential discourse on kashir. Both the resolutions are as sacrosanct and sacred for us as UN chapter. We feel highly indebted and obliged to UNO for sanctifying the kashiris’ right to self-determination. It is true that the world body UNO during the 20 year debate and discourse on Kashmir, passed more resolutions to endorse and emphasize what the aforementioned UNCIP resolutions envisage and stipulate as indispensable roviso and caveat, i.e. right to self-determination. However, we we have every right to grumble against the inaction, passivity and, in fact, dereliction of this world body vis-à-vis its resolutions on kashir, thus its inactivity, inertia coupled with lassitude, languidness and vapidity complicated and confounded the Kashmir issue.AND INTRANSIGENCE, AND OBDURACY AND STUBBORNNESS OF INDIA RULERS HAS RENDERED THE KASHIR PROBLE MORE Complex. Delhi liege lords did everything possible to obfuscate and flummox the Kashmir issue  notwithstanding the promise and pledge of Pt. Jawaharal Nehru to facilitate a free and fair referendum in kashir to determine its political future.       It is pertinent to ention here that Pakistan, as the powerful contending party to Kashmir issue, stood like a rock to side with kashmiris in their heroic struggle for right to self-determination . so we vail our hats off to pak nation for its unflinching and uwavering support to kashir cause.   

Failure of UNO in the implementation of its resolutions on Kashmir warrants and justifies  a controversy to question, to ipugn and arraingn the very jurisdiction of UNO as a world body . This body flouted kashir resolutions and literally made a laughing stock of our resistance oent. Its indifference, ineptitude and apathy derides our sacred freedom movement  a situation deplorable indeed.Now some pacifist and altruistic global leaders are thinking about laughing of a parallel world body to thwart the trend of un collapse. So parallelism in global politics is a concept that is assuming significance; it will, perhaps, become an indispensable paramount proposition for futuristic global politics  to address all the long-standing disputes like Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and etc. 

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