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Friday 26 April 2013

Senior Hurriyat Leader and   chairman Peoples League Mukhtar Ahmad Waza said that the “Right to Self-Determination” is the ultimate goal of the Kashmiri people.
Mukhtar Waza while addressing a colossal public gathering organized by Peoples League today in South Kashmir’s  islamabad district after nimazi juma at Akad jamia iddgah  accompanied by imtiyaz reshi Ghlam Qadir Rah andlarge number of political and social intellectuals said that the people of J&K have attained political and ideological maturity of par excellence during their unprecedented sacrifices for the right to self-determination. So their environment is nothing but struggle, determination and sacrifices. The global advocates of the regional peace in south Asia must underscore that the United Nations itself promised the people of Kashmir the opportunity to express their wishes regarding their governance and the international status of their country through a free and fear plebiscite. Even absent that recognition of the right to determine their status, the Kashmiri people meet all international law tests for the right to self determination.
Waza reiterated that Kashmir is a powder keg, lingering international dispute, a nuclear flash point in south Asia, basically a simple political issue involving the future of people of Kashmir who have to decide its course through a promised plebiscite but the chauvinism of the Indian rulers rendered this dispute complicated and confounded.
Waza has called upon leadership of the World preeminence’s to put pressure on India to help in resolving the longstanding Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris aspirations.
“We believe that there are three parties which have a legitimate interest in finding a solution to the Kashmir problem namely the Indian government, the Pakistan government and the Kashmiri people and their representatives, and therefore that all three should be fully involved”, he added.
Waza said that permanent peace couldn’t be established in South Asia without amicable solution of the Kashmir dispute. He expressed the hope that the international community would take keen interest in the settlement of the dispute.
He said that the Indian troops and police personnel had been committing the worst human rights violations in Kashmir and appealed the international human rights organizations to take notice of the rights abuses.
 Spokesman jkpl imtiyaz reshi

Thursday 25 April 2013

Humans Have Rights
But How Much Are Those Respected In The World

United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution 217-A (III) on 10th Dec. 1948. The main substance of these Articles is that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration without distinction of any kind such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, region, political or other opinion worth or other status. As per the declaration everyone has a right to life, liberty, security without any kind of torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and a right to recognition everywhere as a person before law.
Everyone as per declaration has a right not to be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile and has a right to leave and re-enter his country and has right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion and cannot be compelled to belong an association. That the two important covenants on (I)civil and political rights. (II) Covenant on economic social and cultural rights were passed in 1966, restating, and enlarging the scope of human rights. The more recent covenant passed by the General Assembly is known as international covenant on civil and political rights 1986 and all the signatories of such covenants have been asked to frame the human rights commissions in their countries and in this context, the Govt. of India has passed the protection of Human Rights Act 1993 and the state of Jammu and Kashmir passed protection of Human Rights Act in 1997.
The Supreme Court of India in its land mark judgement delivered in case “D.K BASU V/S STATE OF WEST BENGAL”  and “ASHOK-K-JOHRI V/S STATE OF U.P.” laid down some important guidelines regarding the arrests, searches and interrogation of the arrestees and failure to comply with such guidelines, directions would render the erring official subject to departmental action and also for contempt of court and it may be re-stated that no prior sanction of any Govt. is required for holding the contempt proceedings against any official of Union or state Govt.
As per the Supreme Court, torture has not been defined in the constitution or in other penal laws but as per Supreme Court ruling, “torture of a human being by another human being is essentially an instrument to impose the will of the strong over the weak by suffering”. The Supreme Court has quoted Andriana Barton.
“Torture is a wound in the soul so painful that sometimes you can almost touch it, but it is also so intangible that there is no way to heal it. Torture is anguish squeezing in your chest, cold as ice and heavy as a stone, paralyzing as sleep and dark as the abyss. Torture is despair and fear and rage and hate. It is a desire to kill and destroy including yourself”.
We have laws like Public Safety Act, Enemy Agent Ordinance, Prevention and Suppression of Sabotages Act, Armed Forces Special Powers Act, in addition to normal Penal Laws and we see always detentions, arrests, torture around us in utter violation of International Human Rights Declaration, Article 21 of Indian Constitution, protection of National and State Human Rights Acts and the Hon’ble Supreme Court judgements.
The Human Rights Violations are not only committed by the state but by the Individuals and private bodies as well, and in both the cases these are condemnable. The Union of India and State Governments have established Human Rights Commissions whose chairpersons and members are being appointed by the respective Governments as per their wishes and as such these don’t become effective bodies to deal with the magnitude of Human Rights violations.

Humans Have Rights
But How Much Are Those Respected In The World

United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution 217-A (III) on 10th Dec. 1948. The main substance of these Articles is that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration without distinction of any kind such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, region, political or other opinion worth or other status. As per the declaration everyone has a right to life, liberty, security without any kind of torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and a right to recognition everywhere as a person before law.
Everyone as per declaration has a right not to be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile and has a right to leave and re-enter his country and has right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion and cannot be compelled to belong an association. That the two important covenants on (I)civil and political rights. (II) Covenant on economic social and cultural rights were passed in 1966, restating, and enlarging the scope of human rights. The more recent covenant passed by the General Assembly is known as international covenant on civil and political rights 1986 and all the signatories of such covenants have been asked to frame the human rights commissions in their countries and in this context, the Govt. of India has passed the protection of Human Rights Act 1993 and the state of Jammu and Kashmir passed protection of Human Rights Act in 1997.
The Supreme Court of India in its land mark judgement delivered in case “D.K BASU V/S STATE OF WEST BENGAL”  and “ASHOK-K-JOHRI V/S STATE OF U.P.” laid down some important guidelines regarding the arrests, searches and interrogation of the arrestees and failure to comply with such guidelines, directions would render the erring official subject to departmental action and also for contempt of court and it may be re-stated that no prior sanction of any Govt. is required for holding the contempt proceedings against any official of Union or state Govt.
As per the Supreme Court, torture has not been defined in the constitution or in other penal laws but as per Supreme Court ruling, “torture of a human being by another human being is essentially an instrument to impose the will of the strong over the weak by suffering”. The Supreme Court has quoted Andriana Barton.
“Torture is a wound in the soul so painful that sometimes you can almost touch it, but it is also so intangible that there is no way to heal it. Torture is anguish squeezing in your chest, cold as ice and heavy as a stone, paralyzing as sleep and dark as the abyss. Torture is despair and fear and rage and hate. It is a desire to kill and destroy including yourself”.
We have laws like Public Safety Act, Enemy Agent Ordinance, Prevention and Suppression of Sabotages Act, Armed Forces Special Powers Act, in addition to normal Penal Laws and we see always detentions, arrests, torture around us in utter violation of International Human Rights Declaration, Article 21 of Indian Constitution, protection of National and State Human Rights Acts and the Hon’ble Supreme Court judgements.
The Human Rights Violations are not only committed by the state but by the Individuals and private bodies as well, and in both the cases these are condemnable. The Union of India and State Governments have established Human Rights Commissions whose chairpersons and members are being appointed by the respective Governments as per their wishes and as such these don’t become effective bodies to deal with the magnitude of Human Rights violations.

Friday 19 April 2013

Waza, Zaffar led protest rally in Seer Hamdan Islamabad, demanded
mortal remains of Shaheed Afzal Guru

Srinagar, April 19: Hurriyat executive member and Jammu Kashmir
People’s League Chairman Mukhtar Ahmad Waza along with Jammu and
Kashmir salvation movement chairman Zaffar Akbar bhat and accompanied by senior hurriyat leader imtiyaz reshi, and farooq dar and Gulam qadir rah  today led a
protest demonstration against the Indian authorities for not handing
over the mortal remains of Shaheed Mohd Maqbool Bhat and Shaheed Mohd
Afzal Guru to their families.
Both the leaders addressed peaceful protest demonstration outside the
Jamia Masjid Seer Hamdan and castigated Indian authorities for not
returning the mortal remains of nation’s two great martyrs i, e Mohd
Maqbool Bhat and Mohd Afzal Guru . Hunderads of youth joined the
peaceful protest rally against the Indian establishment and raised
slogns against Indian system and in favour of freedom and Islam.
Addressing the protesters, they said that hanging of Mohd Afzal Guru
secretly was politically motivated and people of Kashmir will continue
to fight against the cruelty of Indian system till they return the
mortal remains of the two great martyrs.  They said that India besides
killing people indiscriminately through bullets, torches is now
designing policies to kill people through drugs and by other means.
They castigated authorities for supplying spurious drugs to government
hospitals in the valley.   They also said that India is looting the
natural resources of valley and in its recent move contract for stone
crushers at Atahwagan was given to Mumbai based contractor and this
move has left thousands of people in the area unemployed.  They also
said that Indian authorities on the name NHPC are looting our natural
resources and urged world powers to press india for returning the
projects to the state. Later they attended the Fateh Kwani of deceased
sister of JKPL Chairman Mukhtar Ahmad Waza.  Protest call after Friday
prayers was given by MMM.
Earlier addressing the Friday congregations at Jamia Masjid Seer

Hamdan, Mukhtar Waza pressed Indian authorities for starting a
meaningful dialogue process with his counterpart involving Kashmir
people   for a durable solution of Kashmir issue.
He said that peaceful resolution Kashmir issue can only grantee peace
in whole south Asia.
Spokesman jkpl imtiyaz reshi,

Thursday 18 April 2013

 Peoples league and hurriyat paid a glowing tribute to shheedi inqalab S Hameed wani
,Srinagar, April 18 (KMS): According to the spokesman of peoples league  In  Kashmir,  peoples league and All Parties Hurriyet Conference (APHC)jointly  has paid rich tributes to the prominent Kashmiri liberation leader, S. Hameed Wani on his 15th martyrdom anniversary.
The  peoples league in a statement issued in Srinagar said that S. Hameed Wani had rendered his life for a great purpose. He said that the sacrifices of Kashmiri martyrs would not be allowed to go waste and their mission would continue till complete success.
The APHC leaders included Musaddiq Aadil, Shakeel Ahmad bakshi , imtiyaz reshi,  Hakeem Abdur Rasheed, Ghulam Qadir Rah, Abdul Majeed Wani, Yasmeen Raja,   Javed Ahmad Mir,   Ghulam Nabi Waseem, Farooq Ahmad Tauheedi  and jaffer kashmiri  offered Fateha at the Mazar-e-Shuhada in Srinagar and reiterated to complete Kashmiri martyrs’ mission.
Later, the delegation visited the residence of S Hameed Wani and expressed solidarity with his family members.
Meenwhile according to spokesman pl said today senior huuriyat leader Frof Ab Gani Bhat,Dr HUBBI, KHALEEL Ahmad Khaleel and Mannan bukhari visite seer hamdan for paying rich tribute to the sister ofchairman peoples league Mukhtar Ahmad WAZA  and paid samphaty with the  bereaved family.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Srinagar 17 April 18, 2012: Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League, a constituent of All Parties Hurriyat Conference today conducted an important meeting at its party headquarters Rajbagh Srinagar by the advice of peoples league chairman mukhtar waza and was headed by pl general sectary Mohd Ashraf vaid and attented by senior pl leaders include Ghualam Qadir Rah ,Jaffer kashmiri,Farooq Ahmad Dar Imtiyaz Reshi, Advocate Ab Ahad Qadri Shakkelul rehman and others  in which Peoples League pays glowing tributes to Shaheed-e-Inkilaab (Martyr of Revolution) S. Hamid Wani. Mukhtar Ahmad Waza could not participate in meeting due to unfortunate death of his sister.

 In the meeting rich tributes were paid to the martyr who is ascribed to be amongst the frontline Pro-freedom leaders of 70’s and was one of the founders of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) - which represents the aspiration of Kashmiris politically, diplomatically and socially.
While speaking in the colloquium Senior Hurriyat Leader and Chairman Jammu Kashmir Peoples League,  leaders said that the sacrifices of Kashmiri martyrs had centre-staged the Kashmir dispute at the international level. He reiterated the pledge to continue the liberation struggle, despite all odds. He said that the scarifies of hurriyat leadership especially the scarifies of innocent  kashmiri people will not be allowed to go in vain.

It is worth to mention that S Hamid Wani was arrested by the Indian police and killed in custody on April 18, 1998 in Soura Srinagar; Peoples League said that the sacrifices of Kashmiri martyrs would not be allowed to go waste and their mission would be taken to its logical conclusion.
Mean while According to the spokes person of peoples leage Imtiyaz Reshi said 10.30 am at martyrs graveyard eid gah fatheh Khawani will be arranged on 18 april which will be managed by Hurriyat conference m and a delegation will also visit to hamid sahibs home for paying rich tribute.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

JKPL condoles death of Party Chairman’s sister, expressed sympathy
with bereaved family
Srinagar, April 16: Jammu and Kashmir people’s league today expressed
shock over the sad demise of party chairman Mukhtar Ahmad Waza’s
sister who died in SKIMS after a long period of illness.
Party spokesperson imtiyaz reshi  in a statement that a high level meeting was
conveyed today of all party leaders and activists who expressed deep
sorrow and grief over the death of Mukhtar Ahmad Waza’s sister Syed
Banoo. In the condolence meet that was attended by Party General
Sectary Mohd Ashraf Sofi, Farooq Ahmad Dar, Gulam Qadir Rah, Imtiyaz
Ahmad reshi and  shakkeelurehman others expressed sympathy and solidarity with the
bereaved family. Special prayers were also held for the departed soul.
In the meeting the role of deceased for the Kashmir cause was
highlighted and appreciated. Party leaders and activists said that
house at Seerhamdan was often raided by the Indian security forces in
80’s and 90’s as the family has remained deeply connected with the
Kashmir freedom movement.
A delegation of party activists and leaders also visited the family of
deceased sister of Mukhtar Waza and prayed for the departed soul.
Party spokesperson said that the rusm-e-charum of deceased will be
conducted by the party on 19th of April
Meanwhile party delegation also condoled the death of
Threek-e-Hurriyat leader Gulam Nabi Sumji’s daughter.

Friday 12 April 2013

Waza arrested in Dooru islambad, barred to address Friday prayers,
Appeals AI, western media to focus on Kashmir issue

Srinagar, APRIL 12, 2013:- Jammu and Kashmir people’s league Chairman,
Mukhtar Ahmad Waza who was today arrested in dooru Islamabad by police
along with his activists and workers and wasbarred to address Friday
prayers,  stressed upon world’s top human rights watch dog ‘Amnesty
International’ whose team is currently visiting the valley to take a
strong notice of the grave human rights violations done by the
security forces under black and draconian laws, enforced by them in
the valley. He also stressed up western media to overcome from their
double standards and play role is resolving the issue that grantees a
permanent stability in the South Asian region, if resolved peacefully.
In a press statement, waza said that Kashmir issue is lingering from
last six decades and during these decades especially from last 23
years Indian authorities by its armed forces, just to continue their
illegal occupation of the territory, committed grave human rights
violations that include brutal killings, custodial killings, sexual
harassment, enforced disappearances and fake encounters that are
evident after the discoveries of unmarked graves in the valley and
hence Amnesty International and other human rights organizations have
to mount pressure on  India for probing these violations in
international crime tribunal. He expressed satisfaction over the role
that the human rights watch dog has played from past years, however
appealed them to speed up the process for highlighting the human
rights violation one Indian armed forces on international level.
Waza said that the world powers were bound to play their role for the
peaceful resolution of Kashmir issue but the western countries and
especially western media has been maintaining double standards over
the issue that can led to distraction of sub-continent. He appealed
them to end their double standards over the issue and play their role
as Kashmir is humanitarian issue more than political issue and so
media on international level as well as domestic level should kept
their morals high by prioritizing humanitarian issues.
Coming down heavily on state government authorities, waza said that
state authorities under a well planned conspiracy are supplying
spurious drugs to valley that has negative implications on society. He
said that the conspiracy is amid to kept people busy in day to day
issues and distance them from real issue of state. He said that hue
and cry is being made on the power failure but the conscience society
of the state knows that are under dark since from decades. He
castigated state government for authorities for its failure in
providing the basic amenities to public. He urged world community to
take the stock of rampant looting of natural resources by NHPC that
behaves like east India Company in the valley.
spokesman jkpl imtiyaz reshi

Tuesday 9 April 2013

JKPL conveys party executive meeting in Srinagar

Srinagar, April 09: Jammu and Kashmir people’s league a constituent of All Parties Hurriyat conference today conveyed a day long party meeting in Srinagar in which party district heads participated and held detailed discussion on present situation of the conflict region.

Party Chairman, Mukthar Ahmad waza briefed party  leaders and activists about the present political situation of region and it was observed that party that has played an important role in internationalizing the decades old Kashmir issue.

Waza stressed on activists and workers to work hard for the resolution of Kashmir issue and said that the party will intensified its activities in coming days. He expressed concern over the grave human rights violations done by the security forces in the terriorty and appealed visiting Amensety international team to aware the world community about the ground situation of Kashmir. 
Meeting was attented by senior pl leaders include Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi, Gulam Qadir Rah, Shakeelu rehman, Advocate Ab Ahad Qadri and jafer Kashmiri and others.
Press sectary

Monday 8 April 2013

Kashmir resolution can bring peace and prosperity in South Asia: Waza

Srinagar, April 08: Senior Hurriyat leader and Jammu and Kashmir
people’s league Chairman Mukthar Ahmad Waza today said that peace and
stability can be guaranteed once long pending internationally accepted
Kashmir issue gets resolved once for according to the aspirations of
Party chairman in a press statement said that Kashmir issue is the
most important and dangerous issue in the whole south Asian
sub-continent that has threatened the peaceful atmosphere of the
region and can burst any time.
“Kashmir issue is just like a sleeping volcano and it can burst any
time if not addressed properly on proper time.  Its international
dimensions dangerous for the whole region as nuclear power countries
are involved in the issue.” He said
 World powers in this age are  fighting a war of ‘economy’ and
developing countries like India and Pakistan are trying to enter the
race but they can move a yard towards economic prosperity  as the
dimensions of the issue will not will them to move.
“They are wasting their valuable human resources and economy on snow
covered peaks instead of slum areas were people are facing acute
shortage of basic amenities of life like, drinking water, shelter,
food and other facilities. Both the countries should come forward for
escaping their human power and money and they should give priorities
to strength the prosperity of their respective countries that could
achieved once the issue gets perfectly solved.” Waza observed.
He said that Kashmir issue is internationally recognized issue for
which number of resolutions has been passed in United Nations from
time to time. He said that the resolution of Kashmir issue can bring
permanent peace in south Asia and can provide a way for the economic
properity of both countries- involved in the issue, For which civil
society and intelligentsia of the both countries  has to come forward
and have to play their role for the solution of the problem that has
affected every house hold of Kashmir.
“The grave human rights violations from time to time, custodial
killings, fake encounters, sexual harassment of our sisters, that we
see every day in Kashmir and have witnessed by every kashmiri from
past decades is only because of the conflict. So world powers and
especially UNO has to play their role on humanitarian grounds for the
resolution of Kashmir issue.” He said.
He said that government of India has leave aside its stringent police
on Kashmir aside and have to move forward for the solution while
taking in place the CBMS for conflict region, like de-militarization
irrelevance of borders, free trade and  release of political
prisoners. Besides staring a meaningful and result oriented dialogue
process involving people of Kashmir for the final resolution of
Kashmir issue.
Spokesman jkpl imtiyaz reshi,

Sunday 7 April 2013

 Peoples league has paid tribute toIslamic scholar and former head of Jamiat-ul-Ahl- e-Hadith, Moulana Showket Shah on his third martyrdom anniversary waza
 Jammu and Kashmir peoples league  has paid glorious tributes to the noted Islamic scholar and former head of Jamiat-ul-Ahl- e-Hadith, Moulana Showket Shah on his third martyrdom anniversary. The party  chairman Mukhtar Ahmad Waza has termed Shah as brave, upright, and a person who believe in unity and well being of people. He said that his services towards oppressed Kashmirismwere the priceless asset of the freedom struggle and he would be remembered for his contributions for years to
come.  Waza said that people have been offering
sacrifices along with the political leaders and prominent religious figures for demanding their birth right- right to self determination.mMeanwhile party has expressed grief and shock over the death of noted historian- Prof Ishaq Khan. The  peoples league has offered its heartfelt condolences with the bereaved family. The party also paid rich tributes to the scholarly
contribution of Khan towards Kashmiri history.
Spokesman jkpl
Imtiyaz reshi

Friday 5 April 2013

People’s League chairman visited school bus accident victims in Kokernag.
Srinagar, April 05: Senior hurriyat leader and Jammu and Kashmir peoples’ league Chairman, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza today visited school bus accident victims that took place yesterday evening in Kadiwara Koernag Islamabad and expressed solidarity with bereaved families while as he prayed for the early recovered of school kids.
Peoples’ league delegation headed by chairman, Mukhtar Waza today visited the families in the village whose kids succumbed to injuries and expressed solidarity with their families, while as he also prayed for the early recovery of school kids who got injured in the tragic and horrific road accident.
People in the area conveyed the negligence by the driver as well as by the health department in evacuating the injured from the spot. Waza while addressing the gathering expressed syampathy with the families and castigated main stream politicians and bureaucratic of the state for not paying attention towards the grievances of public, as according Waza shab these main stream politicians are befooling people  to vote for the development , that still remains a dream for the people of the state, he appealed people to help the families who are in shock collectively.
Meanwhile hurriyat team also visited school bus accident victims that took place yesterday evening in Kadiwara Koernag Islamabad and expressed solidarity with bereaved families while as he prayed for the early recovered of school kids.Hurriyat team was chaired by Musadiq Adil and accompanied by peoples league spokesman imtiyaz reshi, Rashid Hakeem, Ab Rashid Untoo, Ab Majjid Wani, Yasmeen Raja And Yaseen Hassan MAlik and others.