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Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Srinagar 17 April 18, 2012: Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League, a constituent of All Parties Hurriyat Conference today conducted an important meeting at its party headquarters Rajbagh Srinagar by the advice of peoples league chairman mukhtar waza and was headed by pl general sectary Mohd Ashraf vaid and attented by senior pl leaders include Ghualam Qadir Rah ,Jaffer kashmiri,Farooq Ahmad Dar Imtiyaz Reshi, Advocate Ab Ahad Qadri Shakkelul rehman and others  in which Peoples League pays glowing tributes to Shaheed-e-Inkilaab (Martyr of Revolution) S. Hamid Wani. Mukhtar Ahmad Waza could not participate in meeting due to unfortunate death of his sister.

 In the meeting rich tributes were paid to the martyr who is ascribed to be amongst the frontline Pro-freedom leaders of 70’s and was one of the founders of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) - which represents the aspiration of Kashmiris politically, diplomatically and socially.
While speaking in the colloquium Senior Hurriyat Leader and Chairman Jammu Kashmir Peoples League,  leaders said that the sacrifices of Kashmiri martyrs had centre-staged the Kashmir dispute at the international level. He reiterated the pledge to continue the liberation struggle, despite all odds. He said that the scarifies of hurriyat leadership especially the scarifies of innocent  kashmiri people will not be allowed to go in vain.

It is worth to mention that S Hamid Wani was arrested by the Indian police and killed in custody on April 18, 1998 in Soura Srinagar; Peoples League said that the sacrifices of Kashmiri martyrs would not be allowed to go waste and their mission would be taken to its logical conclusion.
Mean while According to the spokes person of peoples leage Imtiyaz Reshi said 10.30 am at martyrs graveyard eid gah fatheh Khawani will be arranged on 18 april which will be managed by Hurriyat conference m and a delegation will also visit to hamid sahibs home for paying rich tribute.

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