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Monday 8 April 2013

Kashmir resolution can bring peace and prosperity in South Asia: Waza

Srinagar, April 08: Senior Hurriyat leader and Jammu and Kashmir
people’s league Chairman Mukthar Ahmad Waza today said that peace and
stability can be guaranteed once long pending internationally accepted
Kashmir issue gets resolved once for according to the aspirations of
Party chairman in a press statement said that Kashmir issue is the
most important and dangerous issue in the whole south Asian
sub-continent that has threatened the peaceful atmosphere of the
region and can burst any time.
“Kashmir issue is just like a sleeping volcano and it can burst any
time if not addressed properly on proper time.  Its international
dimensions dangerous for the whole region as nuclear power countries
are involved in the issue.” He said
 World powers in this age are  fighting a war of ‘economy’ and
developing countries like India and Pakistan are trying to enter the
race but they can move a yard towards economic prosperity  as the
dimensions of the issue will not will them to move.
“They are wasting their valuable human resources and economy on snow
covered peaks instead of slum areas were people are facing acute
shortage of basic amenities of life like, drinking water, shelter,
food and other facilities. Both the countries should come forward for
escaping their human power and money and they should give priorities
to strength the prosperity of their respective countries that could
achieved once the issue gets perfectly solved.” Waza observed.
He said that Kashmir issue is internationally recognized issue for
which number of resolutions has been passed in United Nations from
time to time. He said that the resolution of Kashmir issue can bring
permanent peace in south Asia and can provide a way for the economic
properity of both countries- involved in the issue, For which civil
society and intelligentsia of the both countries  has to come forward
and have to play their role for the solution of the problem that has
affected every house hold of Kashmir.
“The grave human rights violations from time to time, custodial
killings, fake encounters, sexual harassment of our sisters, that we
see every day in Kashmir and have witnessed by every kashmiri from
past decades is only because of the conflict. So world powers and
especially UNO has to play their role on humanitarian grounds for the
resolution of Kashmir issue.” He said.
He said that government of India has leave aside its stringent police
on Kashmir aside and have to move forward for the solution while
taking in place the CBMS for conflict region, like de-militarization
irrelevance of borders, free trade and  release of political
prisoners. Besides staring a meaningful and result oriented dialogue
process involving people of Kashmir for the final resolution of
Kashmir issue.
Spokesman jkpl imtiyaz reshi,

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