Srinagar, December 28, 2013
Jammu and Kashmir people’s league today conveyed a daylong meeting of party central council members under the chairmanship of its chairman Mukhtar Ahmad Waza.
During the meeting party central council members discussed party matters and restructured the party executive line.
In restructure process,Spokesman Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi Farooq Ahmad Dar and Nazir Ahmad Khan were appointed as vice Chairman, State General sectary Mohmmad Ashraf Vaid, Guiam Qadir Rah, general sectary, Chief Organizer, Er Fayaz Ahmad Bhat, Political adviser Jaffer Kashmiri, Chief coordinator Gulam Ahmad Mir, , Chief mass contact cell, Rashid Wani, Provincial president Kashmir Shakeel-ul-Rehman, District President Srinagar, Shabir Ahmad Bhat, Ganderbal Gulam Ahmad Dar, Pulwama Mohd Maqbool, Islamabad Fayaz Ahmad Bhat, Baramullah, Mohd Ramzan Wandroo, Kupwara, Munir-ul-Hassan, Budgam, Adovcate Abdul Ahad Qadri, and Kulgam, Reyaz Ahmad.
Addressing, the meeting, Party Chairman Mukhatr Ahmad Waza stressed upon party leaders to work hard for strengthening party at gross roots, Waza also said that the party intensify its mass contact program viz-a-viz public awareness among the common masses regarding Kashmir issue and anti-freedom struggle policies of India.
He also welcomed the statement of Pakistan Prime Minister regarding resumption of dialogue with India and said that through dialogue vexed Kashmir issue will get resolved.
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