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Friday, 10 June 2016

Hurriyat conference JK leaders called for complete poll boycott in Islamabad .
Hurriyat JK leader and YML chairman  imtiyaz Reshi ,shakeel u rehman and molvi Riyaz addressed  public gathering at Amargadh Gulab bagh sapore ,paying glowing tribute to Tufail matoo.

Hurriyat conference JK leader Shabir Ahmad Dar ,Muhammad Ahsan Untoo,Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi,Muhammad Iqbal Mir and Gulam Nabi war has called for complete poll boycott in upcoming election in Islamabad 
and  said India is
misleading world community after conducting
these sham polls in the state.In related party mass contact program Young Men's League Chairman Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi,vice chairman Shakeel ur Rehman ,Roof kashmiri ,Molvi javaid and in calibration with JKLF Leader Molvi Riyaz today addressed public gathering at Amarghad So pore during Friday prayers while speaking people Imtiyaz Reshi , shakeel u Rehman and Molvi Riyaz  appealed people to stay away from the
polls which will held in Islamabad 
Addressing people 
leaders said that elections can’t be
substitute to right to self determination
and urged people to show their love for
the freedom struggle by boycotting the
Kashmir is the land of
great martyrs including of Shaheed
Mohad Maqbool bhat, Shaheed Mohd
Afzal Guru  ,shaheed sheikh ab Aziz and others achieved their martyrdom
on this soil, so people must respect the
sacrifices of martyrs by staying away
from the polls and convey to India that
people of Kashmir will not allow the
sacrifices of martyrs to go waste. They
said that party has always rejected the
polls so will continue in future till
Kashmir issue gets resolved according
to aspirations and wishes of people
On this occasion Imtiyaz Reshi said no body will be given permission to change  demography of kashmir weekend and suppress special status of kashmir  it will be defended with tooth and nail.
Leaders along with people raises anti election ,slogans and in favor of freedom and Islam slogans.
Meanwhile Hurriyat Conference JK leaders Shabir Ahmad Dar,Muhammad Ahsan Untoo,Muhammad Iqbal Mir,Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi and Gulam Nabi war has paid glowing tribute to Shaheed Tufail Matoo on his sixth death anniversary and said killers of Tufail Matoo are still free moving and it is impossible for kadhmiri people to prevail justice from Indian System.On this regard Tufail Matoo family has organize Prayer session at Martyrs grave yard Eid Gah therefore it is request to every freedom loving people to participate on 11 June at 10 am in prayer session

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