India cannot defeat the resolve and
convection of the freedom fighters,HCJK.
HCJK Leader and YML chairman Imtiyaz Reshi adressed Friday
prayrs at Jamia Ahmad nagar.
conference jk Hurriyat conference jk convener and Muslim Conference
Shabir Ahmad Dar, Mahz Azadi president Muhammad Iqbal Mir, International
forum for justice Muhammad Ahsaan Untoo ,Young Mens League Imtiyaz Ahmad
Reshi, ,and Tehreeqi Istiqamat chairman Gh Nabi War in their joint
statement said that the dynamics of International politics and
diplomacy should be understood and steps should be taken to resolve kashmir
issue in its historical perpective and keeping I view the sentiments of the peole
of Jammu and Kashmir .The India cannot defeat the reslove and conviction of the
freedom fighters as our youth are offering huge sacrifices Indian designs are
bounded to be defeated as our resolve is unparalled and the freedom sentiment
is nurshed by he sacrifices of people of Jammu and Kashmir . The Muslims sikhs
pundits of Jammu Kashmir and Kargil the People belonging to all sections
of society are united on one mission that is complete freedom of Kashmir from
Indian Bondage. The way Pakistan advocating Right to self determination
of Kashmiri people which they have assured continuous support to Kashmiri for
securing birth right ‘right to self determination’ is a moral boosting
step.Pakistan and Peole of Kashmir needs to Highlight genune long pending
Kashmir dispute at united nationas . HCJK Leaders said like Pakistan World
community should also adopt positive approach towards Kashmir issue so
that peace will resolved. Peaceful resolution of the dispute of Jammu
Kashmir is in the interests of enduring regional peace and stability in south
Asia besides in the interests of economic development in the region,’ They
Meanwhile Hurriyat
conference Jk leader and young mens League Chairman Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi
adressed people at Jamia Ahmadnagat during Friday prayers while adressing
people Imtiyaz Reshi strogly condemned the on going
spree of arrests and booking political activists under Public safty Act
(PSA) Reshi said The detention Hurriyat
leaders Mirwaiz Umer Farooq, Muhammad Yasin MALIK,Shabir Ahmad Shah,
Zaffar Akbar Bhat And Aasiya Andrabi is totally undemocratic and health
conditions of these leaders is deteriorating In jails and they are being kept
in a very unhygienic condition and there is no proper sanitation facility
Availble for them and they are being kept away from Medical facility.Imtiyaz
Reshi strongly condemned ,night raids ,arrests
and detentions and Vandalism by damaging residential houses ,set paddy
harvest on fire by the hands Indian Armed forces . He said from
seven decates Kashmiri’s are fighting peacefully for achieving their
birth right right to self determination for which they had given countless
sacrifces .They said authorities want to break People resolve but
they will not succeed in their nephrous .He said arressts and
detentions are parts and parcels of movement.Reshi stressed to hold
unity and confidence measure buildings among the ranks of
huriyat and People and is the need of hour and will guarantee success..He
said Kashmir is a issue of one car ore fifty lakhs people issue who lives in a
big prison under Indian bondage from last 70years, during
which lakhs of Innocent Kashmiri people laid these precious lives, thousands
were torchered in intragration centers, Kashmiri young girls were reaped resulting
greave human rights violations in the valley and thousands of
unmarked graves that itself are evidences of the human rights
violations done by the Indian troops and other agencies of Indian
Government.They stressed peole to remain aware against anti Kashmir elements
and double agents .Imtiyaz Reshi strongly denouced statement made by RSS Chief
Mohan Bagwat and what he said his uninformed rhetoric on jnk saying his
designs are communal and divisive aimed at creating religious and regional
animosity with in state.The satement was only made to change and weaken
special status of Jammu Kashmir Article 370 and no power on earth can
change special staus of Kashmir.
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