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Saturday 8 December 2012

waza said world is celebrating human right day but how much it is
respected in kashmir India is trying to muzzle the voice of kashmiri
people by force and black laws Demilitarize Kashmir, repeal black laws
and release detainees: Waza

Srinagar,  dec 08Jammu Kashmir Peoples League Chairman and Executive
Member of APHC, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza today Addressing a meeting at lts
head office rajbagh ant attented by senyor pl leaders mohd maqbool
sofi imtiyaz reshi and others  speaking to party leaders waza said
world is celebratyng human right day but how much it is respected in
kashmir and human right groups are silent in kashmir waza said
government of India is trying to muzzle the voice of innocent Kashmiri
people by force and state barbarisms in Kashmir. And said
Politico-economic expatiation   supremacy and high handedness of any
kind will never be acceptable and tolerable

 “On one side India is claiming ‘o’ tolerance but on the other side
human rights violations in the state are being done by security forces
and other agencies of India that goes unnoticed every day. The
movement of Political leaders is being restricted and they are not
allowed to offer Friday prayers.”  And pro.freedom leadership is
facing every sort of oppression at the hands of india and its logical
collaborators for more than six decades as the government is
pressurizing local populace to face action. has said that the people
of Kashmir have been deprived of their birthright to
self-determination for the last several decades.

  UN auspices to allow Kashmiris to determine their future by
themselves but they were being deprived of this fundamental right from
last 65 years, during which lakhs of Innocent Kashmiri people laid
these precious lives, thousands were torchered in intragration
centers, Kashmiri young girls were reaped resulting greave human
rights violations in the valley and very recently thousands of
unmarked graves were found in the valley that itself are evidences of
the human rights violations done by the Indian troops and  recently
two kashmiri youths  has paid for the sins of  innocents life
imprisonments Waza said Kashmir has became exhibitions of human right
violations done by Indian forces
He said that Kashmiri Innocent people from last 66 years are demanding
Right to Self determination peacefully and democratically guaranteed
by United Nations but they are still denied and hence the resolution
of Kashmir issue is pending, resulting grave human rights violations,
Killings and bloodshed in the Himalayan bounded Kashmir valley that
still going on.
 , so international community should think on the issue seriously and
they should take a step for the resolution of Kashmir issue according
to the resolutions guaranteed by United Nations.” Waza said, adding
that international community should pressurize the nuclear countries
for the resolution of Kashmir issue while leaving economic interests
He maintained that the peaceful resolution of Kashmir Issue  and
Palestine can bring permanent peace and stability in the whole world
as well as in South Asian region and can fulfill the economic
interests of the region.  However he maintained that government of
India should firstly demilitarize Kashmir, revoke black laws, release
all political detainees detained in different jails that would pave a
way towards the resolution of Kashmir issue.  He said that before the
dialogue process.
He appealed international community including human rights watch to
take a serious notice of the situation prevailing in Kashmir from last
65  years.waza sid than human right groups have rigt to celebrate this
Press sectary

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